Senior Leadership
Senior Leadership
Anna Smythe
Heather Howe
Associate Principal
About Me
I love my job and I LOVE West Harbour School. I have been teaching for over 35 years and enjoy educating children and helping them grow into the best version of themselves that they can be. My passion is mathematics; I get real joy from the faces of children when they finally “get it”. I moved from the classroom into Senior Leadership in 2017. I enjoy the connections we make with the families of the children.
Chris Egan
Associate Principal
Sam Fetui
Associate Principal
About Me
With 18 years in education, I'm committed to raising student achievement and meeting your child's learning needs. I aim to motivate and encourage all students to excel in every aspect of the curriculum. As a father of four, I'm passionate about seeing children reach their potential. In class, learning is fun, and every child becomes a lifelong learner, equipped to achieve their dreams. Together, we achieve great things.
E vave taunu’u le malaga pe a tatou alo va’a fa’atasi
(Our destiny is within sight when we paddle our canoe together)
Catherine Koolaian
About Me
Kia Ora,
Throughout many years of teaching in New Zealand and Australia, I have met many children and their families. The mutual love and respect we have shown each other has made teaching more than just the job to me. Today I am a member of many families which makes me so proud and grateful knowing all the lives I've been able to touch and make a difference in.
The love, joy and happiness I have experienced in my job is beyond words. I have so many memories to treasure and far too many moments of joy and happiness which were shared with me at the end of each year by parents who were content with the development their children have made throughout the year both academically and socially.
Teaching Staff
Phase 3 Team
Phase 3 Team
Jude Ayers
Room 6, Year 7
About Me
I am in my 7th year of teaching with experience in both Early Childhood and Primary settings. I enjoy helping children and their whanau as they begin school with the belief that a positive start will lead to wonderful experiences and outcomes in their life-long learning journey.
I grew up in Australia, living in Toowoomba, Townsville, Sunshine Coast and Melbourne. My family has also lived in Poland for 10 years and New Zealand for 5 years.
April Dawson
Room 7, Year 7
About Me
I have been teaching for more than twenty years across all year levels in primary, intermediate and secondary school. It is a privilege to be part of the West Harbour School community.
Ko Waitākere tōku maunga
Ko Wairere tōku awa
Ko Vineyard Aotearoa Christian kerk tōku marae
Ko West Harbour tōku kura
Nō Waitākere ahau
Ko Dawson/ Drummond tōku whanau
Ko Howard toku tāne
Ko April tōku ingoa
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa
Miah Tagaloa
Learning Leader, Teacher
Room 9, Year 7/8
About Me
Talofa lava!
I’m Matua Miah and like ‘the prodigal son’ it has been a special return back home to West Harbour School.
I have absolutely loved the transition from the corporate world to the education space.
In my 6 years here, I have developed a passion to empower our Māori and Pasifika students to achieve their full potential and understand the impact their choices have on their future. I have the privilege to serve our Tū Fa'atasi culture group and choir alongside Mr Fetui.
Tayla Francey
Teacher, Kahui Ako Within School Lead
Room 5, Year 8
Dan Chettiar
Room 10, Year 8
About Me
Hello everyone.
My Name is Daniel Chettiar and I have been teaching at West Harbour for 5 years. I'm relatively new to the teaching profession and I wouldn't pick any other job as my career.
My teaching philosophy is primarily focused on serving our children so that they have the best possible outcomes in their own lives both personal and academic. I moved to NZ from South Africa when I was 6 years old and have always been a Westie.
Phase 2 Team
Phase 2 Team
Phillipa Lee
Room 16, Year 4
Brad Karsten
Room 11, Year 4
About Me
Hallo, Kia Ora!
I have taught from a range of years 3-6 for 7 years now. I am from South Africa and migrated to New Zealand at the age of 7. I finished my schooling life in east Auckland and then moved west.
West Harbour School is just awesome. Being amongst a community with students that bring culture and aroha is absolutely heartwarming and an experience I believe every child should be exposed to.
Judy Lim
Learning Leader, Teacher
Room 15, Year 4/5
About Me
Kia ora, This is my 15th year of teaching and I have taught Year 0-4 children. I am passionate about education and helping children to develop a love of learning. I believe that every child has the potential to succeed and it’s my job to create a safe environment where children are encouraged to take risks, make mistakes and learn from them. I encourage parents to reinforce this growth mindset and support children to be confident, resilient and successful learners.
Joel Taranchokov
Room 2, Year 5
Paul Birch
Learning Leader, Teacher
Room 4, Year 5/6
About Me
Kia ora, My name is Paul. I am originally a born and bred Wellingtonian. I have been teaching for over 20 years, with 18 years as part of this wonderful community at West Harbour School.
Ko Rimutaka te maunga te rū nei taku ngākau
Ko Kairangi te awa e mahea nei aku māharahara
Nō Upper Hutt ahau
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Wellington e noho nei au
Ko Paul tōku ingoa.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa.
Emma Bjorklund
Room 1, Year 6
Mal Hall
Room 3, Year 6
About Me
Kia ora! Ko Hall tōku whānau. Ko Malakhai tōku ingoa.
I identify as non-binary & use they/them pronouns. The children call me Teacher Hall. I am in my 2nd year of teaching & I love my job at West Harbour School. 😄
My teaching philosophy is about working as a team & learning through fun. I strive to create meaningful, exciting learning experiences for my students, & to build a classroom environment where tamariki can feel safe to explore & express their authentic selves.
Phase 1 Team
Phase 1 Team
Jeanelle Rundle
Teacher, Kahui Ako Within School Lead
Room 21, Year 1
Leisel Inglis
Room 18, Year 1
Carolyn Stewart
Learning Leader, Teacher
Room 25, Year 1/2
About Me
Kia Ora, in my 30 years teaching career I have developed a passion for literacy teaching. I love supporting our newest school members in their journey to read and write as well as supporting older children learning to read and write if English is their second language.
I have four adult children who I am very proud of. West Harbour has been my home for 23 years and I love walking the local paths and water views.
Cleone Simpson
Learning Leader, Teacher
Room 26, Year 2
About Me
I have been teaching for over 20 years both in Early Childhood and Primary settings. I love being a part of students' lifelong learning journeys.
Ko Taupiri te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau
Taupiri is the mountain that speaks to my heart
Ko Hauraki Gulf te moana e mahea nei aku māharahara
Hauraki Gulf is the water that alleviates my worries
No Hamilton ahau
I am from Hamilton
Ko Cleone tōku ingoa.
My name is Cleone
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa.
Deb Harris
Room 24, Year 2
About Me
Kia ora koutou,
I have been in education for over 11 years as a Teacher Aide. In 2020 I decided to take the next step in my career and study to become a primary school teacher, through the University of Waikato. I believe in making all learner’s feel safe, secure, welcome and wanted in an inclusive environment that nurtures learning and development. Through this approach I believe all children can succeed in their learning journeys, whatever they may look like.
Tadra Young
Room 14, Year 2/3
About Me
I am an experienced teacher. I have taught both in Whangārei and Tāmaki Makaurau.
Ko Maungakiekie te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau
One Tree Hill is the mountain that speaks to my heart
Ko Muriwai te moana e mahea nei aku māharahara
Muriwai is the sea that alleviates my worries
Nō Tāmaki Makaurau ahau
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Tāmaki Makarau e noho nei ahau
Ko Tadra tōku ingoa.
Nō reira, tēnā koutou katoa.
Nicola Allen-Coombe
Room 13, Year 3
About Me
I have been teaching for many years and have taught all year levels. The majority of this time I have spent at West Harbour School.
Ko Maungawhau te maunga e rū nei taku ngākau
Mt Eden is the mountain that speaks to my heart.
Ko Waitemata te moana e mahea nei aku māharahara
Waitemata is the water that alleviates my worries
Nō Tāmaki Makarau ahau
E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe, o Tāmaki Makarau e noho nei ahau
Scott Hindman
Room 12, Year 3
Alice Davies
Teacher (Maternity Leave)
Room 23
About Me
Kia Ora! My name is Alice. I have been teaching for 7 years, recently returning home to NZ from an overseas stint in London. I have a passion for supporting our youngest children and making their first year of school enjoyable, fun and positive.
Ko Rangitoto te māunga
Ko Waitematā te moana
Ko West Harbour tōku kura
Ko Ben tōku tāne
Nō Tāmaki Makaurau ahau op
Ko Alice tōku ingoa
Other Teaching Staff
Other Teaching Staff
Scott Buckingham
PE Specialist
About Me
I have been teaching for 20 years and have worked across year levels 4-8. I have been lucky enough that all of them have all been at West Harbour School. I enjoy supporting students and staff to meet their potential and be the best version of themselves. I believe education is a partnership between home and school.
Judith Puch
Specialist STEAM Teacher
Room 20
About Me
I have been teaching for 16 years at West Harbour & have taught all levels. I enjoy introducing students to 21st Century thinking through active learning experiences. Information Systems, Mathematics, Science & Art are my passions. Keeping students' curiosity about their world is very important to my teaching philosophy.
Ko Rangitoto toku maunga
Ko Manukau toku moana
Ko Oteha toku awa,
Ko West Harbour toku kura
No Browns Bay ahau
Ko Judith toku ingoa
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa
Carolyn Hakiaha
Deb Shaw
Administration Team
Administration Team
Ruth Withers
Principal’s PA
Fiona Taniora
Suzanne Armistead
Student Services
Zoe Bridgman
Stephen Byrnes
Property Manager